I've had such fun writing down some of my inane ramblings and comments - blogging is, afterall, a compelling but polite way of waving at the world and shouting "Look at me, look what I saw today, what do you think of this?" We share our world with others. We share where we live, what we do, what we can accomplish.
I've loved linking up with people new and old (well, kinda old - in the nicest sense of the word of course), and I am in awe of all the natural, talented writers and photographers out there in Blogland who make me feel humble, pointless and galvanised on a daily basis!
I hope to continue for as long as nature gives me a hearty poke in the eye, or random cluttered cupboards, garden renovations, lunatic dogs and bra-shopping inspire me. It's fair to say, however, that going out to earn a living now puts a slight damper on my ability to photograph pretty things so often, or come up with intelligent conversation half the time (only half?!). I think the contents of my office might only hold your attention for, ooh, say about 4 nano-seoconds. And on some days, the contents of my brain are not much more motivating!
Thank you for sharing my blog. Love and girly hugs, and a sloppy lick from my co-writer, Smudge. (And Honey says "huh?")
Now then, I think a large slice of celebratory cake is calling. Do you want some?