Sunday, October 19, 2014

Weather fronts

Here in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in southern Alberta we have the opportunity to watch weather fronts rolling in - sometimes for an good hour or three before they actually hit us.

This week it has been the warm chinook winds.  The distinctive lines in the sky are the giveaway.
So far, it has been a quite lovely and mild autumn - and longer than usual because the temperatures have been kind.

So we have been able to enjoy the hues on the leaves for about 6 weeks.
This rarely happens because we either get a mammoth windy storm that blows all the leaves away, or an early dump of snow that freezes the leaves and they drop off instantly into a soggy mess.

We did have a two-day dump in early September, which caused untold devastation to weak trees around the city - but right now, we're slated for another mild week, so I'll take that thank you!


  1. Incredible skies. But must be a bit daunting seeing the weather approach

  2. Wonderful. My favorite photo is the last one.

  3. Gorgeous photos! The skies are amazing!

  4. I have mountains on one side of me and ocean on the other. We never know what the weather is going to be like one moment to the next.
