Wednesday, June 27, 2012

River Deep

June is the rainy season in southern Alberta - and living up to its name, it has been pouring on and off all month.  Big, heavy, noisy rain.
The rivers are high.
The swirling waters are muddy 
in frothy action.

Flood warnings have been given out for 
the Bow River and the Elbow River 
that run through Calgary.

The snowmelt from the mountains 
adds to the rushing waters.
Even the specially-built culverts that are designed to funnel the water down to the river are getting some use - in five years of walking this route, I have never actually seen them in action.
Strongly worded warnings are publicised - people should stay out of their canoes and boats - the emergency services don't fancy battling the fast flows to rescue you!
But it really doesn't stop you playing beside the river now, does it?

Linking with Our World Tuesday.


  1. We are in the same boat, pun intended, here in British Columbia. The rivers are high and have breached in some areas causing much damage to homes and cars.
    I haven't seen this much rain in a long time. I hope your culverts can keep the water flowing away and the rivers behave themselves.

  2. Water is beautiful when contained, lethal when not - I hope your culverts don't have to work too hard.

  3. Nice to see your place. Dropping by from " Our world Tuesday"

  4. Thanks for sharing your beautiful part of the world with us (and for visiting my blog). I guess one could say that even in adulthood we can sometimes want to venture "close to the edge" when exploring our surroundings!

  5. Beautiful images. I wish we could see some of that rain, as there's a devastating wildfire in our city.
