Monday, July 13, 2009

Caption Competition

This photo was taken last week - from outside my front door. We live beside a big hill from which human beings of varying levels of insanity throw themselves. They attach brightly coloured paraglides to themselves and just run and launch.

My husband has been learning this art of flying too. And he is just loving it. Talk about getting high!

Anyway - caption competition .... obviously the perspectives are all wrong in the photo making it look like it does. That mast is actually about a kilometer away behind the glider.


  1. Caption- Mary Poppins, eat your heart out!

  2. During the summer, Santa takes time to explore and expand his job skills. Here he is on his first pole-to-chimney, reindeer-free, flight.

  3. Who's trying to stab me with a Toasting Fork ?
